Upon receiving Mr. A's unexpected valentine gift (see the gift at
http://mommy-ybeth.blogspot.com/2009/02/my-unexpected-valentine-gift.html ), I told him that after we attend the church mass - Sunday lunch will be my treat. I was suprise when he said that he will only say yes to my invitation if I will cook instead. Waaaaaaaaaaaaaaa!
Mr. A: you always say recession times right? cook so cheaper
Me: you know no visitor allowed on my flat. where to serve the food?
Mr. A: your hbd playround has nice covered picnic tables. hehe.
Me: haha! are you serious? what to cook? pasta ?
Mr. A: no, chicken dish. maybe like what rica did last bbq party.
Me: that's adobo and afritada. ok, I'll try. but we will eat very late.
Mr. A: ok! deal!
So after the church mass, Mr. A went straight to his home while I proceed to fairprice tampines mall to buy all the ingridients I need. I was awake until 1am last night browsing the internet looking for the easiest way to cook these traditional filipino viands - Chicken Adobo and Chicken Afritada.

finished cooking Chicken Adobo at 11:30am
thigh and leg chicken parts
lots of chopped garlic
olive oil or vegetable oil
ground black pepper
dried bay leaves (I didn't put this - can't see at fairprice)
soy sauce
7up or sprite (optional)
Heat oil, add the chopped garlic and cook until lightly browned. Add chicken and saute until the meat is beginning to tenderize. Add ground black pepper, soy sauce and vinegar. Let it simmer for 25-35 mins or until chicken is done. Make sure to add more vinegar or soy sauce until it suits your taste (should be a bit tangy). When chicken is tender, you may want add some 7 up or sprite for a aweeter taste then let simmer for another 5 minutes.
finished cooking Chicken Afritada at 1:00pm
winglet chicken parts
cubed potatoes
diced red onion
minced garlic
sliced green bell pepper (I didn't put this, can't see at fairprice)
chicken stock (broth)
tomato sauce
olive oil
Hear oil, sauté garlic and onions. Add chicken and cook until slightly brown. Pour the tomato sauce and chicken stock. Bring to a boil and allow to simmer for 20 minutes or until the meat is almost tender. Add potatoes, green bell peppers (if you have) and simmer for another 5 minutes. Add salt and pepper if desired.

food all-packed, just waiting for rice
While waiting for the rice to cook, I took bath again as I smell like hell (combination of onion, garlic, vinegar, sweat, etc). Sms Mr. A while drying my hair saying that lunch will be serve at 2:30pm, hbd playground picnic table.
He arrived 10 minutes late but I didn't get angry upon knowing that the plastic bag he carries contain a bottled of cold coke and frozen haagen-dazs chocolate ice cream. Hehe...
Bragging aside, I know I did well as the dishes I served taste almost the same as what Rica prepared on her last sponsored bbq party. And although Mr. A commented that I cooked the food a little salty, I noticed he ate well and had 2 servings of rice. :)