Like adobo, Sinigang can be considered as one of Filipino's all-time favorite viand. It is the Philippines counterpart for Thailand's famous tomyum. You can make sinigang out of pork, beef, shirmp or even chicken. It is basically meat in sour soup. Either you use tamarind, green lime, raw mangoes or guavas, it doesn't matter as long as the soup is sour. But as a beginner in the kitchen, instant powder mixes will always do the trick. =)
Kangkong leaves
White raddish
Long beans
Pork cubes
Sinigang instant mix (i used ajinomoto brand)
Salt to taste
1. Boil 1liter water together with onions and pork cubes.
2. Once meat is tender, pour the sinigang instant mix and all the vegetables.
3. Add salt to taste and simmer for another 5 minutes before serving.
I'm happy with the result. My sinigang really taste sinigang. Haha! Only problem is I put alot of water (common error everytime I cook). So what ot do with the extra sour soup?
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