Saturday, October 10, 2009

Sopas (Creamy Chicken Macaroni Soup)

Conversation with my Mom awhile ago:
Me: ma, what to do with leftover penne & roasted chicken?
Mama: recycle it. make sopas.
Me: wow! nice idea. will do, but how? hehe...

Creamy Chicken Macaroni Soup or Sopas in tagalog is an anytime-anyday meal.

Elbow Macaroni (or any preffered noodle/pasta - i used penne)
Flaked roasted chicken meat
Chicken broth (or normal water will do)
Cubed carrots
Shredded cabagge
Evaporated milk
Salt/ pepper

1. Cook the elbow macaroni according to package instruction.
2. Saute garlic & onions then add flaked roasted chicken.
3. Put 1liter chicken broth (or normal water) and bring to boil.
4. Pour evaporated milk and the pre-cooked elbow macaroni.
5. Add the cubed carrots and shredded cabagge.
6. Put salt and pepper to taste.
7. Simmer for another 5minutes before serving.

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